Terms of Use

April 2, 2018

FramePro (TradeCom LLC d/b/a FramePro, or hereinafter "TradeCom," "FramePro," “we,” “us” or “our”) is a framing management system that is designed to be easy to use, innovative in its feature offering, and highly measurable in its application.

Through the use of FramePro and its underlying platform you agree to these terms in order to continue to make FramePro a sustainable business model and pleasant experience for all users of FramePro.

Acceptable Use

By using FramePro, you agree not to abuse the service in any way not intended nor ordained by the owners.

Examples include but are not limited to: heavy automated requests for data that slow down the backend for other users, exploiting new security holes to compromise any information not supplied by yourself to FramePro, attempting to "poison" FramePro's database with falsified data to mislead its artificial intelligence to artificially change the outcome of an algorithm used to provide insights to other clients.

Violation of these or similar elements of this agreement may result in indefinite suspension from using FramePro, and/or civil or criminal penalties pursued to the highest amount.

As-Is, No Warranty

TradeCom LLC is currently (as of April 2, 2018) making FramePro available free of charge to customers. This software is provided as-is, without any warranty expressed or implied. Use FramePro at your own risk, though TradeCom LLC will make every reasonable attempt to preserve data and functionality.

Updates and Indemnification

FramePro provides this service on a good faith effort to conduct business with its clients in a fair manner. If any dispute arises involving your, your company, or an affiliate and TradeCom LLC, you agree to indemnify TradeCom LLC.

From time to time this agreement, wholly or in part, may be updated and you agree to continue to uphold those changes, even if they are made with little or no notice.

If any portion of this agreement is found to be unlawful or otherwise unenforcible in a jurisdiction where TradeCom LLC conducts its business with its clients, that section or sections is/are deemed to be severed from this agreement with the remaining enforcable sections upheld.