Privacy Policy

Effective January 26, 2017

FramePro (TradeCom LLC d/b/a FramePro, or hereinafter "TradeCom," "FramePro," “we,” “us” or “our”) is a framing management system that is designed to be easy to use, innovative in its feature offering, and highly measurable in its application.

Per FramePro's mission to provide the highest degree of function, we collect, store, protect, and transmit certain pieces of your information in our mobile applications ("App" or "Apps") and web application ("Web site"). The collective of our apps and web site shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as the "platform."

TradeCom platform allows its users to input information including but not limited to: photos of job sites, customer information. This information, at the discretion of you or your company, may be shared with other users identified as employees of your company as provisioned within the platform's security model, which by default grants the least amount of privilege needed but customizable based on a company's needs.

FramePro's platform is licensed to companies for use by their one or more employees explicitly associated with the company. As such, as an employee of the company that licenses FramePro, your actions, data, results of actions, and visibility within the platform are customizable by the company officers or other authorized personnel that have agreed that they can bind the company into legal contracts at the time of registration.

FramePro's platform may also process any information you supply in a way that is non-visible to other users for the purposes of statistical modeling, anonymized data analytics to help us improve the platform's service levels and user experience, and to continue to refine FramePro's proprietary sales insights so that users and companies can continue to receive the highest level of sales intelligence within the application.

By using FramePro's platform, you agree and understand that this platform may collect and store information that you as an employee of your company supply to it for reasons stated above. FramePro will take every feasible measure to protect any and all sensitive information supplied to it from attack or disclosure.

Our Policy applies to all users, administrators, companies, and visitors of (e.g. persons shared links from within) FramePro.

What information do we collect?

We collect and store information voluntarily disclosed to FramePro (e.g. names, addresses, jobsite photos, etc.) and standard technical information when you use the platform. Such technical information may include but not be limited to: IP address, browser user agent, screen resolution, and more. Further, the Apps may also collect location information.

FramePro's platform uses "cookies." Cookies are merely small tokens of text sent to your web browser and/or mobile application containing a unique, randomly-generated and encrypted identifier that shall be sent back to FramePro with subsequent requests. FramePro's usage of cookies is consistent with common web development practices as a means of identifying users as who they are logged in as after typing an email address and password, to prevent logging back in on every request to the server for reason of user experience.

How do we use your information?

FramePro uses your information to organize and measure your performance for the convenience of your company's business intelligence needs. We may also leverage anonymized data to improve the FramePro platform in order to provide a better user experience to our users over time, and to provide insights to yourself and other users of FramePro based on the information FramePro has collected.

FramePro may utilize some information you provide anonymously for the improvement of its artificially intelligent business insights and intelligence algorithms, e.g. for highlighting the focus areas of a specific homebuilder, or the timeliness of a certain subcontractor, which may or may not be within the same company that some or all of the training data was sourced from.

In the event that FramePro is acquired, sold, liquidated or otherwise ceases to exist as a separate legal person under its current owners, all user information shall be treated as an asset of the company and shall be utilized as such during the transaction.

FramePro may be required to provide information to law enforcement officials, including law enforcement officials outside of users' country of residence (e.g. the United States of America). To date, the total amount of law enforcements requests is: 0 (Zero). To date, FramePro has received 0 (Zero) national security letters/requests for data.

How do we protect your information?

FramePro utilizes industry-standard security procedures to protect and guard your information. Such information includes but is not limited to the use of transport and at-rest encryption, network firewalls, third party server monitoring for threat intrusion, and other means of guarding your company's private data.

Third Parties

FramePro may dynamically link to executable JavaScript code and/or APIs hosted on other sites (e.g. Google) inline with the common engineering discipline of leveraging third party software to expedite delivery and allow focus on FramePro's key, distinguishable features. Such third party executable scripts and APIs are subject to the prospective owners' privacy policies.

Children’s Privacy

FramePro does not knowingly collect or solicit any information from children under 13 or knowingly allow such persons to register for the Service. The Service and its content are not directed at anyone under 13 years of age, as it is directed at companies and professionals.

Consent and Updates

FramePro from time to time may update this information, with or without notice. By using the FramePro platform, you consent to the terms outlined above.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us.